The Office of Developmental Programs has created a Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates webpage for stakeholders to stay up to date with updates and r-resources from ODP. Please also visit MyODP News Online for new articles related Coronavirus (COVID-19).
ODPANN 22-039: Transition of Individuals Into a Nursing Facility (NF)
- This guidance describes actions the AEs and SCOs must take when an Office of Developmental Programs’(ODP) waiver or base participant is admitted to a NF to ensure a coordinated transition to Long Term Care (LTC) services and prevent service interruptions
- As of May 1, 2022, a new web-based eLearning version of the HRST ART will become available. With the release of this eLearning course, the webinar-based version will no longer be offered.
- To announce the April 15th News Alert for providers to assist in managing and developing infection control strategies, including COVID-19.
- To provide guidance about the process for providers and Supports Coordination Organizations to request one-time payments for technology that enhances the provision of Home and Community Based Services (HCBS).
- On April 4, 2022, ODP held an informational webinar to answer questions about the one- time supplemental payment to address staff training, credentialing, and business associate programs for employment. The questions and answers (Q&A) from that webinar have been combined into a document that is being made available to all interested stakeholders
ODP Announcement 22-044: The Use of Public Transportation Services for Ridesharing Expenses
- To clarify that ridesharing services, such as Lyft, Uber, or other similar transportation services, may be reimbursed through the public transportation service.
ODP Announcement 22-046: COVID-19- Vaccine Booster Reminder
- To remind the field about a recent update to recommendations from the Pennsylvania Department of Health about details for COVID-19 vaccine and boosters.
- The Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) requests your assistance sharing the attaching communication, Announcement 22-047: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Provider Masking Policies for Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS). This announcement offers information and resources to the field in support of developing masking policies. Please review the announcement for additional information.
Best Practices in Behavioral Support Survey
- We intend to host additional sessions with providers and AEs to talk about the standards, but in the meantime, we are interested in hearing from those of you who have reviewed the standards or attended a VOH in the past year. Please take a moment to complete this brief survey.
Eligibility Bulletin Overview for Counties/Administrative Entities Webcast UPDATED
- A detailed training for County/Administrative Entity Qualified Developmental Disability Professionals (QDDPs) on the process to determine eligibility for services through the Office of Developmental Programs. SCOs will benefit from review of the webcast to further their understanding of the eligibility process.
- The session previously scheduled for Thursday, April 21 is will now be held on Tuesday, May 10 from 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm. If you previously registered for this session, you do not need to re-register. You should have received an email from GoTo Webinar announcing the rescheduling.
ODP Events Training Calendar May 2022
- Please find The Office of Developmental Programs’ May External Training and Events Calendar. Registration links to all sessions can be accessed by clicking on the blue hyperlinks. Please share widely.
PAFN Event: Adult Siblings of People with Intellectual Disabilities/Autism Webinar
- This group of adult siblings will have the opportunity guide the group's direction, network with other siblings, talk about your lived experience, hear from experts on topics relevant to sibling life, have open and informative discussions, and plan for a future that holds true potential for you and your family.